Spitfire Appassionata dynamic problem

hi, I just downloaded and installed Dorico 5 Essentials demo and I’m thinking about buying it, but i already have some serious problems.

First: i tried to do expression map with Spitfire Appassionata but I cant find midi cc list for keyswtich anywere in the internet. Well that not exacly Dorico problem, thats mine, but this is the first library i tried and im afraid with anothers ones the problem will be the same. It’s just not that easy as Anthony says on the youtube clip.

Second and most important. Dynamics doesnt change at all. I tried put some fff>ppp on the score and I can see on the PLAY window that velocity of every note is getting smaller and smaller but whan i click “play” button i can’t hear any difference.

maybe i am doing something wrong?
Pls help.

Spitfire libraries can use their UACC system to trigger articulation changes.

Here is an expression map you can use as a start point (It is comprehensive, so you will have to remove all the articulations that you do not have in Appassionata)
PT Spitfire Audio UACC CC32.zip (3.8 KB)

Welcome to the forum, @Arkadiusz_Wiertelak. Specifically for dynamics, the issue will be that you need to make the appropriate choices for Volume dynamic for the expression map you are using (in Library > Expression Maps).

I’m not familiar with this library itself, but I imagine it uses MIDI CC 1 (modulation) for dynamics, so that’s what you need to set in your expression map.

that actually worked, thanks.

Apassionata is only legato. can i use another library only for staccato in the same system? It soupposed to change between librarys ?

It’s tricky to use another library altogether for staccato. You could do it by writing all the staccato notes in another voice, then enabling independent voice playback for your instruments in Play mode, and routing the legato and staccato voices to different endpoints.

Thanks, I’ll try that.