Split at cursor working in Edit In Place in v6?

Doesn’t work on MIDI data here in v5 - v6?

Thanks. :slight_smile:

It splits the Part, not the events inside the Part (unless you have activated Preferences>Editing>MIDI>“Split MIDI Events”).

Eh, not exactly.

With that pref disabled, the event is split, so you are correct about that. This to me is wrong. After all, if “Split MIDI Events” is _dis_abled, the event should not split. And it definitely should not split when the MIDI data inside the event is selected, right? But it does.

With that pref enabled, both the event and the MIDI data are split.

So, bug, yes? :slight_smile:

Possible bug in the English language :wink: (for greater clarity, maybe it should be named “Split MIDI Notes” (just like, underneath, there is the other option,“Split MIDI Controllers”)

Eh, no again.

With that pref disabled, the key editor open and the MIDI data in that event selected, the MIDI data does not get split, but the event does get split. If that pref is disabled, that means that the app should not split the events. But that is exactly what it does - it splits the events. And not the data.

With that pref enabled, the key editor open and the MIDI data in that event selected, every event in the entire project gets split. All of the MIDI events, and ALL of the audio events. The MIDI data does not get split.

So, if you want to chalk it up to a language thing, and say it should be named “Split MIDI Notes” - ok, fine. But it doesn’t split the MIDI notes. So it doesn’t do what it is supposed to the way it is currently named; it doesn’t do what it is supposed to if it were renamed with ‘better language’.

And yet still - the question remains: how to you split the MIDI data?

Just to be clear.

With that pref disabled, Cubase splits the events and not the data.

With that pref enabled, Cubase splits the events and not the data.

See? :slight_smile:

  1. In the Project window, with the In-Place Editor closed…
    “Split at Cursor” (and it’s close relative, “Split Loop”) splits all MIDI Parts, Audio Parts, and Audio Events (i.e. those not inside Audio Parts), unless a specific selection is made, or an event/Part is locked.
    For MIDI notes and controllers, that does not affect the ones that cross the split point… unless “Split MIDI Events” and/or “Split Controllers” is activated (thus creating new events at the split point).
  2. In the Project window, for MIDI Parts with the In-Place Editor open…
    The behavior is identical to the above, not to be confused with the behavior when using “Split at Cursor” from inside the Key Editor…
  3. From within the Key Editor window…
    “Split at Cursor” splits the events (or just the selected events) within the active MIDI Part… it does not split the MIDI Part, and the status of “Split MIDI Events” is irrelevant in this case.

Project window (In-Place Editor closed or open), splits the MIDI Parts, and only splits (all) the events inside them if “Split MIDI Events” is activated.
Key Editor, splits the (selected) events, not the Part that houses them.


With “Split MIDI Events” activated, either select the specific MIDI Part in the Project window before opening the In-Place Editor (which will split the Part and all the notes inside it, but no other events on other tracks in the Project window), or do it from within the Key Editor (if you need to split only specific notes).

  1. Yes

  2. Dont follow you

  3. Yes

Right - so, what you are telling me is that there is no way to split MIDI data that resides in an event when that event is open in the key editor…

Key Editor or In-Place Editor?
The Key Editor is what I described in point #3.

The behavior in the the Project window as the same, whether the In-Place Editor is closed or open.
So, when the In-Place Editor is open, Split at Cursor (and Split Loop) does not work on the events inside it (it will only split the notes if the option “Split MIDI Events” is active, as a subsequent result of splitting the Part, same as it would when the In-Place Editor is closed).
So it won’t split selected notes inside the In-Place Editor… you’d have to use the Key Editor for that.

Ah, I made a mistake.

What I meant to say is:

  • so, what you are telling me is that there is no way to split MIDI data that resides in an event when that event is open in the In Place Editor…

So, when the In-Place Editor is open, Split at Cursor (and Split Loop) does not work on the events inside it …

Right - and there is where I think the problem is.

Thanks vic. :slight_smile:

I think it’s more a question of what one expects from the In-Place Editor. Remember, we are still in the Project window, and, IMHO, all menu items should always be acting as intended for that. (there aren’t many cases where the same menu item has a different function according to which window is open and topmost, but this is indeed one of them)
If the In-Place Edfitor worked exactly the same as the Key Editor, then there’d be no point in having a Key Editor :wink:.
Let’s put it another way…
How would you expect “Split at Cursor” to work on the other tracks in the Project window, while the In-Place Editor is open on one (or more) MIDI tracks?

Ok, look at it this way. Forget for a moment, the Key Ed., the IP Ed., and let’s just take two MIDI tracks with an event on each. Place the cursor somewhere in the middle of these events. Now perform a “Split at Cursor” - what happens? Both events are split. Undo. Now select one event, and perform a “Split at Cursor” - what happens? Only the selected event is split. So, with the In-Place Editor open, and only MIDI data selected, I would expect the “Split at Cursor” to split only the MIDI data. If the MIDI data was not selected, then the “Split at Cursor” would split everything in it’s path. That to me, would be consistant behaviour.


Yes, I could go with that :wink:.