SSD4 Drum Maps

Does anyone know of any Cubase drum maps for Steven Slate Drums V4? Or better yet General MIDI to SSD4 remaps?

Yes, please check here as these are in our Steinberg Forum Knowledgebase:

Great set! Thanks.

Yeah he’s a good dude, he spent a lot of time working on that. Enjoy! :wink:

Hey guys,

I just finished my own basic and easy to overview SSD4 drum map for cubase 8 (will work with previous versions as well).
It works for most of the kids in SSD4 platinum except the electronis ones. Only in a few kits the chokes of the 2 chrashes are different (see drum map for details). Let me know if you have any corrections or major issues with it!

Have fun :slight_smile:
SSD4 drum map (2.68 KB)