Staccato dots, tuplets?

One of the projects I’m working on to learn Dorico is a solo violin piece with several voices. One voice has staccato dots in the second voice. When I add the first voice and the second voice stems flip and the dots end up on the beam end, which has always bothered me. I like them on the note head end when possible. I’ve looked through the documentation and can’t find a way to flip them. I would imagine this would apply to all articulation marks.

Also in this piece there are rests in each voice that I would like to get rid of, e.g. one voice has steady eight notes when the first voice comes in on the last eighth. I was able to remove some of the rests but not all following the instructions (as I understood them). Any guidance appreciated.

Tuplets: while entering notes I get to a downbeat where I want a quintuplet in 16th notes, so I have the caret lined up at the beat and have a sixteenth note there. I get the popover, enter 5:4 and hit enter and get the tuplet but the note disappears. Is this the way it’s supposed to work?


You can change the placement of articulations from notehead side to stem side or vice versa using the Properties panel: select the note to which the articulation belongs, then open the Properties panel (Ctrl+8 on Windows, Command-8 on Mac), and look for the options relevant to the kind of articulation you’re using – you may need to scroll the panel to the right.

You need to create the tuplet before you create the first note of the tuplet, which is different to how certain other programs work. The advantage of Dorico’s way is that it allows you to make the first note under the tuplet a different duration to the unit of the tuplet itself, directly.

Thanks Daniel, that worked. Easy enough once you know where to look.