Hi all, apologies for what might be a really elementary question, but I’m kind of stumped. Right now my staff labels are grouped between staves, so “S” covers both soprano 1 and 2.
I nearly always want this, so I think I set it as a default many versions ago, but in this particular case I actually want the staves labelled separately: “S1,” “S2,” “A1” and “A2.”
I would have thought “Staff labels for identical adjacent instruments held by section players” in Engraving options would have toggled this? Anyone know of any other settings that might be causing this?
I’m not sure off the top of my head. Feel free to attach an empty project and I will explore for you.
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No problem. Here’s a stripped-down version of the file (it’s really messy because I’ve deleted all of the notes and lyrics, but the underlying issue is still there)
unsung_ssaa_v3a - Copy.dorico (2.5 MB)
First, label each staff individually (in Change Divisi dialog):
Second, turn off Show player or group name:
Third, deselect Show divisi change labels above staves (in Layout Options):
Attached is your edited project. I’ve only changed the first divisi at bar 19 but you can copy/paste divisi to save reentering everything each time:
unsung_ssaa_v3a - v2.dorico (1019.4 KB)
Fantastic - thank you @DanielMuzMurray! I did a lot of searching through the menus but it didn’t occur to me that the divisi was essentially the source of the problem. I’ve renamed the forum topic in case someone else comes across this same issue