Staff visibillity issue

Hi! I’m struggling with getting manual staff visibility to work for ossias.
My project here for clarinet 1 has a mix of regular ossias (optionally choice), and cues in ossia.
The regular ossias I want to show in full score, the cues not. But I can’t seem to find the staffs in Manual Staff Visibility.
It should be Clarinet 1 (a) for the ossia, and Clarinet 1 (b) for the regular.

I remember asking about this before. And then the right option suddenly showed up. But, now I seem lost again.

Please refer to the operation manual:

which says:

You cannot hide/show ossia staves independently of their main staves.

Oh. That’s a bummer.
I’m sure I’ve done it before though. That must have been a glitch then.

So, is there any workaround?

You can add a normal staff above (which can be hidden or even removed) but I don’t think you can set it to a different size…

Managed to create a workaround, adding an extra stave.
But, cumbersome, and causing some other issues.

Yes, you can set staff-sizes individually