Stainberg not supported in BRAZIL

I am very disappointed in Steinberg. For a long time I resisted buying original products, but to stop having headaches with freezing licenses, plugins and downloads I finally decided to buy the original Cubase. I bought Cubase pro 12 and all the expectations I had regarding an original product were met until December arrived when I planned to upgrade from 12 to 13 or 14. But I have some doubts regarding the upgrade and I needed to get in touch with Stainberg representatives in Brazil, and that’s when my nightmare began. There is no email that responds to me, there is no landline or cell phone that responds to me, all Sweetspot contacts do not respond to me. And I’m wanting to buy a product, imagine if I had any complaints. Given this, what to do? Certainly if I had a time machine I would have spent R$3,500 on a Daw that at least had existing and efficient support.

I am afraid that Brazil(and lots of other countries) are not seen as commercially interesting for DAW companies, hence not much local support, if at all.

This forum is an excellent source, and possibly better than an official channel since since users here tend to be quite candid about the products.