Starting an "empty" Wavelab?

every time I open WL 12 Pro, recent files (audio, montage) open up - everything that was open when I closed WL last time.
(I don’t use “projects”, startup assistant is off.)

Everything I found to get rid of this behaviour is:


…but it doesn’t work.

What can I do?


For me it opens blank even though I want it to open with the last file I was working on.

The option you point out is a specific case when you want to launch WaveLab while specifying a given file to open.
Else, please the WaveLab Startup Assistant and check the manual.

Hello, i’ve just upgrade from WL10.
I’m used to check the work i’ve done yesterday every morning before doing new job. WL10 and 11 just open as it was yesterday, i can’t find a way to do the same in WL12, is this option gone ?
I can work on a lot of files every day and i can’t remember names.
What’s the solution ? Start manager gives files but this morning brainstorm of choosing what i whant is just not possible, i can’t even choose multiple files to open and i would like them to be in same file group as before.
I find nothing on help documents.
I wil check videos, thank you for reply.

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Just use the following option. There is also an additional option to skip the startup dialog.

Thank you, it"s more simple for me to close files i don’t need instead open only good ones ! We are all different.
If i understand well, i must use project files to keep the files organized in different file groups, and load this project file at startup, correct ?

If you don’t use an explicit Project, there is one created behind the scene. In that case, audio and montage files are restored automatically.

Thank you for your reply, i can now keep my mess well organized ! :blush: