Steinberg CC121

Uh, no, I’m an idiot.
I forgot how to switch the pages and tried it with the buttons “1” to “4” directly – totally fogot that you have to use the “All bypass” button.
Nevertheless I would be interested in having the latest version…


I added the ability to customize the script more easily.
This is the latest version:
Steinberg_CC121.midiremote (6.7 KB)

In the source code you can easily:

  • show/hide the 3rd customization page
  • swap the Q/G knobs
  • show/hide the zooming function

How to customize:
In the MIDI Remote Control pane go the CC121, open the drop-down menu (top left) and select “Open Script Folder”. Open the file Steinberg_CC121.js in a simple text editor. At line 8 you find these entries:

var SHOW_CUSTOME_PAGE = true        // show/hide the 3rd custome page
var SHOW_ZOOMING_KNOBS = true       // show/hide the knobs for vertical and horizontal zooming
var SWAB_Q_G_KNOBS = false          // swab the Q and G knob to follow 

To change the behavior just replace “true” with “false” or vice-versa. Save the script and reload it within Cubase via the Script Tools-> MIDI Remote Script Console or just restart Cubase.
If you want to hide the 3rd custom page, make sure that the custom page is not active when you reload the changed script.


@steve : I can no longer edit the original post. Is it possible to allow me to edit the post to remove the old script files and add this explanation at the top of this thread? Thx


just bought a cc121.
i’ll get it next next week.
my first ever daw controller.

these scripts look superinteresting and i’d like to try them, but i don’t know anything about how they’re installed and so on.
you can only use 1 script at a time, right?
what about if you’d wanna go back to the original script, later on, for some reason?
is there a step by step guide somewhere, covering the whole installation process and get it running in c13 pro, that easy to follow?

will there be even more funcionality added to scripts for the cc121?

some features/ suggestions that would be awesome, if added to the scripts:
1 - instead of the ai knob controlling everything, it would be much more fun to have the fader control everything you hover over, or both, so you’ll have the option to choose your preference.
2 - i recently watched a video of another daw controller, that has a function for fast scrolling through tracks.
that’s a great idea.
you hold down one button, while turning one of the knobs (preferably the ai button), to easily and quickly scroll through tracks in larger projects.

Longtime cc121 user and always disappointed that you can’t use the fader to write automation on any open automation track/parameter. This ties in to plugin parameter control with the fader. Also the Ai knob is pretty much useless with vst3 plugins. A mouse scroll wheel emulator would be preferable. Too bad these controllers were never fully developed after the initial release because these are still the best for perfect one to one sync with track volume / pan/ solo/ mute etc. plus transport. Thanks for the hard work. I will have to try the script out.