Steinberg Download Assistant is broken beyond repair?

Soooo… the updates to Cubase 13 and Cubase 14 were released and I thought I’d try using the Download Assistant one last time before going to the download page.


Yes, I’m pleasantly surprised but still left with the unanswered question as to why it failed before and whether it fail again. Does it just work at random intervals? Let me know if it’s started working for you.

…And a stopped clock is right two times a day.

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I’ve used the SDA several times over the past few days on two computers (c. 2014 DAW computer and a Microsoft Surface Pro 6, both W10), and had no problems at all after updating the SDA as we’ve been requested to do - no problems I’m aware of at any point in those two processes.

I agree!

Have to say…today I tried to put Cubase 14 pro on my laptop…MS Surface 5, W11. I used to have C12 on it, but fancied an upgrade.
What a palava…SDA wouldn’t connect. Uninstalled it…tried to download and reinstall… apparently it was still running!!
Manually installed Library Manager, Activation manager etc and C14… success.
Then tried SDA again…success…WTF???

On my studio PC it has always been a trouble free experience?

New Version Download Assistant version 1.36.4 is broken also.
Have to manually download. Why ?? Dec 08 2024

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I posted my experience on another SDA thread:

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Yes! After giving me only error messages for 3 months, SDA started working again for today.

Installed updates to ASIO Driver, Mediabay without problems. (Previously, it would always fail)
Then I managed to update Dorico 5 and Cubase 13. The first attempt failed, then on a retry it was successful.

I also had a update to Windows 11 this morning - maybe that had something to do with it.