Not sure which thread to add this to so…
I don’t us SDA often enough to memorize what I consider to be most annoying but I do seem to remember that when you click “install” on some items it just downloads the item and you have to seek out the dmg and install it manually. Even thogh SDA makes it seem like you’re done.
My experience this morning:
- Prompt: “You must update Download Assistant”
- ok
- asks for computer admin password.
- it updates
- Dialogue appears; Login failed
- I sign in again
- After sign in, I get a prompt: “Allow this site to open the net-steinberg-sda link with Steinberg web launcher”
- “Sign in” flashes again.
- request prompt for computer admin password again.
I tried to download Groove agent 5 from my Absolute window in “My product Downloads” window…
It’s now stuck at 31.13GB of 31.14GB. Status bar says 0 mbs. My SSD is still blinking. I hit pause, my SSD stops blinking. I hit resume my SSD begins blinking again. “open Folder” shows me 19 items. They all look like they finished but one item, The_Kit_Samples.vstsound.sda-download.aria2, shows only 2KB data size. That can’t be right.
So what do I do now?
There should be one window in Download assistant that shows all INCLUDED items for your respective version of Cubase, both software and libraries… And then a window for items available for purchase.
Other than the “My Products downloads” window I never know what I am entitled to for free, what I own, what is redundant, what is for sales…