Steinberg download manager ok?

The download manager didn’t recognise my login just now. A bit strange as the activation manager was loading just fine. Don’t think I have made any changes to my password recently - so is the download manager ok? Pretty sure I had updated to latest version but will try a reinstall of latest. Don’t want to end up locking myself out. Installed latest Dorico update off the website anyway. Thanks.

I’m not sure what you’re asking here, Simon. SDA hasn’t changed. You will occasionally have to sign in to SDA afresh even if your account credentials haven’t changed, but you should have no problems doing so.

Thanks Daniel - I’ll try a reinstall of latest SDA anyway
Best S

Yup sorted now :grin:

I’m constantly running into errors today trying to get the 5.1.81 hotfix. The 5.1.80 version crashed, and when I went to update it, instead of installing it, it uninstalled it and now I keep getting a “failed” message for the 5.1.81 Application Installer.

Something’s definitely up.

I get an error message with the download manager that it can’t establish a server connection although I know my internet connection is working and has a lot of bandwidth.

Jason, I suspect you need to download a newer version of SDA from the Steinberg website: Steinberg Download Assistant | Steinberg

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Could you first check in your Windows settings whether 5.1.80 is still installed? If not, uninstall that and try the 5.1.81 installer again. If it’s already uninstalled, can you ensure there are no leftover files in C:\Program Files\Steinberg\Dorico5 - if there are, please delete them and try the installer again.

Thank you, Richard - that worked!