Steinberg Help redesign now live

I’m confused. The suggested URL doesn’t appear as a link in your post and doesn’t lead anywhere when I enter it in Safari or Chrome so I can add a bookmark.

Here’s how you add a custom search engine in Google Chrome:

Here’s how you do it in Safari:

And here’s how you do it in Mozilla Firefox:


Thanks, @dspreadbury …I had no idea!

Thanks Daniel! I have successfully got the custom search engine working in Chrome which is great. With respect to Safari, I have downloaded the custom search app and am able to do the included default custom searches but haven’t found a way to add a custom search engine and suspect this might not be possible with Safari but would love to be proven wrong.

I like the seperate help documents for Popovers and Tokens from the old help pages. Will they find their way into the new help system and will they be updated for new versions?

All documents that were previously available are on the new Help portal, but there are a few gaps with how they’re tagged with version numbers etc that we’re going to resolve asap.

For the time being, if you filter for Dorico but don’t filter for a version number, you should see them come up in the list on the right.

On the topic of discoverability on the new portal: we are listening to feedback, and will of course look to streamline the journey between the home page to the information you need.

This switchover has been a big project, and we are doing our best. It’s not static, and can be adjusted going forwards according to both your and our needs.


This is only true, when I choose English as language. When I choose Deutsch, they don’t appear, because they are in English. But this is not helpful, because there are no translations of these documents and if people don’t know, that these documents exist, they will never find them outside the English speaking world.

Thanks Daniel but this is not the answer I was hoping for. To have to use a workaround to get an obvious basic function working is so contrary to the Dorico philosophy.

I have loved everything about Dorico over the years that I have been using it and have been so impressed with the way you approach its continual development and improvement. I understand that there will be initial bugs with any major change so I am confident that these hiccups will be dealt with quickly.

Please, though, do help us to get to the answers we need quickly. When you are in the midst of a project and are looking for help, you need to be able to zero in on the answer with a minimal number of intuitive steps.

I don’t quite understand what function are you looking for…

Not quite sure I can follow you. Of course the Steinberg Help contains all Manuals of all their Products: so the filter function works nicely to filter down what you need.

But, as suggested by Daniel above, if you bookmark this Link to the Dorico Pro Help 5.1 English you land on the page with a search function. And the search is only on the actual Dorico Pro Help 5.1 English (Manual)

A Humorous View, for those so inclined:

“In other news today, an ongoing investigation has revealed that software design company Steinberg’s Dorico team deployed a new user manual not with the primary intention of altering the user’s experience, but as a way to collect data about the number of users who actually read the manual. Critics are calling the deployment confusing, but based on the robust response to the new manual, the reading data are very encouraging! More at 11:00.”

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I guess what I am trying to say is that if I am working in Dorico Pro 5.1 and select Dorico Help from the Help menu, I would expect the default action to take me to the Dorico Pro 5.1 Manual, not to a generalized Help that contains all products.

I have spent an inordinate amount of time trying to find the answer to a straightforward question and have given up - I couldn’t find the answer in the manual either. I guess I will now go to this community forum to see if I can find the solution.

It’s difficult to know how to offer you help, @DSale . If you have the direct link, as provided multiple times across multiple threads — most recently above by @Christian_R —, why not just go there rather than using the Help Menu?

As for:

What is the “straightforward question” to which you cannot find an answer by searching?

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Please allow me to refer to an earlier reply of mine in this thread:

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Not to be picky @judddanby, I was trying simply to point out that where the Help link takes you from within Dorico is not very helpful. I appreciate that @dspreadbury is also concerned about this so changes will be coming.

Regarding the particular question I had, it was to do with ties going into the second ending. I could find nothing in the Help area that mentioned this topic but did eventually find a workaround on the forum.

Thanks, as always, for the excellent support.

@DSale , glad you found it!

Yeah, in my experience as well the tie-into-a-second-ending is (unless all of the search terms I tried were flawed) definitely a gap in the manual’s search engine. (Since the workaround is rather unexpected, invoking a symbol one would not immediately associate with that purpose, I can’t imagine any user’s first or even second thought would be to search for laissez vibrer ties on the way to the answer.)

And like you, it was a forum search that got me the answer.

My point there was to encourage you to offer your specific question(s) right away, since, as you know, this is an incredibly generous group of users always happy to help one another.

Honestly, there had been so many recent threads — some rather vitriolic — posted about the new user manual, so I was trying to “cut through” to something that we could help you with.


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Notations that span repeat endings (including the common example of ties, but there are other notations to consider as well) aren’t natively implemented in Dorico. We don’t document things that Dorico doesn’t do in the manual (which is there to explain what Dorico does do), which is why you won’t find information in the manual about it.

I appreciate that if you don’t know Dorico doesn’t do it, it’s therefore not necessarily immediately obvious to you how to find out more information from the manual, but hopefully it doesn’t take long to find discussions on the topic here on the forum.

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I wish to congratulate Steinberg’s team, and particularly @Lillie_Harris , for the enormous work to reshape the online help facilities.
After a week working with the new system: definitely much better, and easier to find specific info back.
(And by the way: I adapted my bookmark in my Chrome bookmark to Dorico Help . Took about 30 seconds :slight_smile: .
Thank you so much, Lillie and team!


Thank you, @Robrecht_Paternoster, that’s really good to hear. I’ll pass on your positive feedback to the people who are properly responsible for implementing the new portal (it’s really thanks to others’ hard work that we’ve got the new system; I’m mostly an enthusiastic sidelines supporter!).



Loving this. Kicking myself that I didn’t know about it before - on it immediately.
