Steinberg subscription plan

Steinberg state: "The introduction of Steinberg Licensing does not change anything today about the way we sell our products. However, the new system does open up many new possibilities for the way we offer our products, and we plan to explore these in future …to these old eyes that statement reads quite clearly that they have every intention of following up on “exciting opportunjties” or in other words a subscription service. OK, fair enough but one the meantime snooping on paid up customers machines every 30 days in an intrusion. Every one on these forums has software installed that will block use of it IF it detects a change be in hardware instructing the user to do log on and validate the licence .This is more than enough for steinberg to keep track of it products. Forcing people to log on every 30 days to 're-register is a ridiculous move. Cloud computing is not liked in general. Before you know it, it could easily lead to no software on a local machine at and cubendo itself could end like Aiva and other apps like dropbox that charge a monthly fee to store work back ups and transfer files on line. Not good!

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You and others have posted this exact viewpoint and questions multiple times, and Steinberg staff have already responded.

I’ll close this as a duplicate topic.

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