Step Input Will Not Shut Off

I would appreciate any help that anyone might provide.

THE PROBLEM: I am unable to keep Step Input turned off. What I mean is that, if I go into Editor and turn on Step Input and input some notes, and then turn Step Input off, I am fine at THAT point. However, if I come out of Editor and then go back into Editor, Step Input turns back on automatically.

WHAT I HAVE DONE: This problem has NOT always existed in my Cubase 14. I have been scoring a film for the past week, and the problem started happening a day ago. I thought my Cubase 14 might be corrupted, so the only thing that I could figure out to do was to reinstall Cubase 14 via the Steinberg Download Assistant. But, that did not fix the problem.

OTHER TESTING: I have tested the above scenario in Cubase 11, 12, and 13. None of those versions have a problem.

I am sure you can understand the negative impact this is having on the productivity of my film scoring right now. Again, I would really appreciate it, if anyone has any idea how I can overcome this issue.

Thank you!


Do you use the latest Cubase 14.0.10, please? Are you on Mac or Windows? Which Editor do you use, please?

Hi Martin!

Thank you so very much for taking the time to respond. I might have fixed it…at least I think I have.

But, to answer your questions: Yes, I am on 14.0.10. I am on Windows. I use Key Editor.

Here is what I have done, since I wrote my post. I thought my profile might have been corrupted. So, long story short, I created a new profile. My testing went fine, and the problem went away.

So, I went back to the old profile…and the problem went away. Rather confusing to me, but I continued with more testing.

Then the problem arose again. But, Here is what I saw, that I did not see before.

Whenever I would go into key editor to edit something, I would always maximze the editor.

Again, I attempted to reproduce the problem, so I created a measure of music, then went into key editor (maximizing the editor screen), turning on step input, input some notes, and then came out of editor (i.e., minimized it).

BUT, this time I noticed something I had not noticed before. When I minimized the editor, the step input indicated it was “suspended”. So, when I maximize the editor, the step input would start up again.

Let me be specific in the steps, as one way creates the “problem” and one way does not create the problem.

1 - Maximize editor
2 - Turn step input on
3 - Input notes
4 - Turn step input off
5 - Minimize editor
(NO problem)

1 - Maximize editor
2 - Turn step input on
3 - Input notes
5 - Minimize editor
6 - Step input indicates “suspended”
7 - Maximize editor
8- Turn step input off
9 - Minimize editor
11 - Maximize editor
12 - Step input REMAINS ON
13 - Turn off step input
14 - Minimize editor

Here is what I had missed in the past. I NEVER saw that step input was “suspended”. So, what I had done at some point is to come out of the MAXIMIZED editor with step input STILL ON…and (here’s the key) I saw in the MINIMIZED editor that the step input was NO LONGER the color ORANGE, BUT(!) I never notice that it was suspended.

Once I clicked on the suspended step input in the MINIMIZED screen, which COMPLETELY turned off step input, the “problem” went away.

HERE IS WHERE I FEEL THERE IS A BIT OF A BUG: If I TURN OF step input in the maximized screen, I feel that it should not stay in any kind of suspended state…but, it does. I don’t understand why it stays in a suspended state in the minimized screen, when step input has been turned off in the maximize screen.

It appears that once step input has been turned on in the maximize screen and the screen is minimized, the minimized “suspended” step input will ALWAYS remain “suspended,” even if the step input is turned off in the maximize screen…until the “suspended” step input is turned off in the minimized screen.

Perhaps if the “suspended” step input had turned a color such as blue, I would have noticed the issue sooner.


Thank you, again, Martin!!!

Can you post a screenshot of how it looks like when it indicates suspension?
I only get either on or off

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Hi Johnny…

Here is the screen shot (I hope it posts…if not, I will try again). Notice that Step Input is white:

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