Stop "hide all automation" reseting the automation lanes when they are reopened

Currently, “hide automation” (single track) and “hide all automation” behave differently. It has been this way for the 10+ years I have been using Cubase and so it is clearly a design decision and not a bug. For me, it makes no sense at all.

It works like this:

If I have three lanes of automation in view that I have ordered in a specific way, I can “hide automation” for that track to collapse them out of view. When I “show automation” for the track, the three lanes reappear in the same order that I left them. Perfect. This makes total sense.

However, if I use the “hide all automation” function to quickly close all automation lanes in my project, it’s not the same. When I then “show automation” on a track, instead of showing me the previously displayed automation lanes, it has now defaulted back to the single volume lane (even if it contains no automation). I then have to select the automation lanes I want to view and reorder them again to get back to the last configuration.

This makes no sense to me at all. Surely the point of the “hide all automation” feature is to quickly “hide automation” but for every track? Why would I want to totally reset every automation lane’s visibility (when they are next opened) in my project?

It’s very frustrating as someone who uses a ton of automation and likes to carefully reorder and resize them. It means that if I want to hide all automation lanes across the various tracks in my project, I have to go through and hide them one track at a time. Or, accept that I will have to re-show, size and order the automation lanes I want to see when I next open them. I often have lots of automation open on different tracks at once to see what is going overall, and the “hide all automation” would be super helpful if it just behaved the same as “hide automation”, but applied to all tracks.

I assume the logic is that “show all used automation” shows lanes with data on, even if they weren’t in view before. “hide all automation” is, I guess, doing supposedly the opposite and permanently reseting all automation lane visibility.

While I can kiiiind of understand the logic behind this, why would anyone want that function? Surely it would be so much more useful if it behaved how I think it should? I’m guessing I could set up a logical editor/macro command to do what I’m suggesting, but I really can’t understand why it isn’t the default behaviour.

If this behaviour is something other people want/use intentionally, I’m genuinely curious! If it is a functionality people actually want, it would make a lot more sense to call it “reset automation visibility”, and have “hide all automation” do what I suggested, so that there is continuity with “hide automation” of a single track.

Cubase 14 has some amazing (and long overdue) features, and overall Steinberg did a great job this time. But, as a lot of people seem to agree, over the last few years, smaller improvements seem to be getting overlooked for shiny new features.

I love Cubase, and things like the new modulators have eased my fears that it will get left behind by trying to be too “traditional”, but don’t forget about the little things that are what make Cubase the best DAW.

Still not having an undo function for VST Instruments (and not even providing them in your own instruments like Padshop!), for example, is insane. But anywaaayyy, that’s for a different feature request. :wink:

Thanks in advance for anyone’s thoughts/suggestions/input!

Show Automation only opens up one automation track. I’m not sure what the purpose of this command is and I never use it.
I think the command you’re looking for is “Show All Used Automation (Selected Tracks)”. This should show you all Automation Tracks for the selected Track(s) in the order you would expect.

I think maybe you’re misunderstanding what I mean. :slightly_smiling_face:

The ‘show automation’ option doesn’t just show one automation lane, it shows all of the ones previously displayed. If you open three lanes of automation and then ‘hide automation’, when you ‘show automation’, all three will reappear exactly as before.

It will only open one default volume lane if you haven’t previously opened any others. The ‘show used automation selected tracks’ option shows ALL used automation, even if it wasn’t in view before. So for example, if I have four parameters being automated, I can open three of them in lanes and keep one hidden if I’m not working on it. If I ‘hide automation’, they all disappear, if I then ‘show automation’, the three I had open will appear, and if I ‘show used automation selected tracks’, ALL four will appear, including the one that wasn’t open before. (I just double checked this in Cubase)

That’s all great, but if you selected ‘hide all automation’, it resets, and now ‘show automation’ on any track will only show the one default volume lane, like you are describing.

Basically ‘hide automation’ for a single track remembers the automation you had open so that when you ‘show automation’, they all reappear as before. For some reason ‘hide all automation’ forgets all this and defaults back to only showing the one automation lane with the default volume parameter.

Does that clarify what I mean? I can’t understand why anyone would want it to behave that way.

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Thank you for clarifying.
I tested this again, and you’re absolutely right. The command Hide All Automation appears to be resetting what Automation Tracks were last shown on any given track, apparent when subsequently evoking the Show Automation command.
I don’t see a reason for this “reset” and comes across as a bug to me.

Hopefully this shows what I mean. The only thing different to what I said is that it displays one lane of used automation after reseting with “hide all automation” rather than the default volume lane.

Does this make sense now?

Glad I could clarify! I don’t think it’s a bug because it’s always been that way.

I’m like you, and basically just use “show used automation selected tracks” specifically because of this. But that’s a pain too, because they get reordered and I don’t usually want to see all every time.

Either it’s a bug that’s lasted years and years, or just poorly designed.