Stopping Playback Sends Midi Note E0

Hello All,
This issue is really hindering me.
It seems as though stopping playback by any means is sending the midi note E0 to every instrument. There doesn’t seem to be any rhyme or reason as to why. This occurs whether I stop with the spacebar, the 0 key, or by clicking the stop button.

I’ve tried:

Toggling on/off Reset On Stop
Toggling on/off all Chase Events
Toggling on/off pretty much all preferences
Deleting the preferences file
Creating a new project with nothing in it (still happens - oddly enough, different note - D#0)
Removing all peripherals from my computer (I don’t even have a midi keyboard plugged in)

I’ve tried pretty much everything at this point with no luck. It seems like simply stopping playback is causing this note to sound. Does anyone have any suggestions?

This is happening with both Kontakt and Halion 7. Also, I tried using an input transformer to filter out the sent notes, but it has no effect.

Thank you!


Inspect Studio > Studio Setup > all Remote Devices. Is there any Mackie Control, Mackie HUI or any other Remote Device, which is using any MIDI Output Port?

Thank you for assisting me with this.

In Cubase 14, I don’t see all Remote Devices under Studio Setup. Regardless, after checking Studio Setup, I have no Remote Devices at all. I have no midi controllers connected and all scripts are disabled.


Could you try in the Cubase Safe Start Mode [Disable preferences], please?

Could you attach a screenshot of the Studio Setup, please?

Thanks again for helping me with this.

I started Cubase in Safe Start Mode with the Preferences Disabled, as requested. I used the Steinberg built-in ASIO driver. Here’s my screenshot of the studio setup:

Unfortunately, the problem persists, so your help is greatly appreciated. Thank you!

For posterity, if anyone finds this thread in the future, a quick-fix is to remove the instrument in question and to create a new instrument (to be safe I set mine to no midi input). This seems to be the work-around, but it doesn’t get to the root of the issue.


You mentioned, you set the MIDI Input to None. Does this fix it? As you don’t have any MIDI Port involved in your system, where do the data come from?