Strange audio/playback issue in Dorico; "beating" noise in sound

Hi All!

Experiencing some audio issues with dorico today. The playback sounds very buggy and distorted. Some things I have already confirmed;

  • issue persists with both the Halion Sonic and NotePerformer libraries so it is not library specific
  • Already synchronized the sample rate of dorico with windows, my OS (both 48000 Hz, not editable in windows). The bitrate in windows is 16 bits and in dorico 24 bits however. maybe this is part of the issue?
  • No problems with any other apps including other DAW’s so it is not related to windows specifically or the headphone jack of my pc

I added an audio file to show how it sounds.

Would appreciate any help from you all!

And the problem also persists in my other project files, so it is not specific to my current project

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Does the problem persist after (1) quitting/relaunching Dorico and/or (2) rebooting your computer?

The sounds seem to ‘bounce’ a bit. Could it be some sort of MIDI feedback loop? A misbehaving reverb add-on? Not that I know much about MIDI.

yes and yes

Am I the only one? There is nothing to be heard. Tried to save the audio as mpeg, but also MediaPlayer stays mute and when importing to Cubase there is no waveform shown.

the volume is quite low, maybe that’s the issue?

Hmm, well it’s all the same port output, I did not set up anything complex MIDI related and I have no external VST’s active so it seems unlikely

Can you send the file to me ( u dot stoermer at steinberg dot de )?

I can hear it (though it’s very quiet). It has clicks at a rate of ca. 240/minute at the onset of each tone, more pronounced in proportion to the loudness and attack of the instrumental sound.

Comfort Inc 2.dorico (993.0 KB)

Also added the diagnostics report
Dorico (648.4 KB)

Thanks, but I meant also the audio file.

Ah so this referred to an email adress? I see, sorry. It is sent now

Sent it now

Thanks, I dare say that the problem is that the level is so low. How did you record your mpeg?

When I load your project file into Dorico and do an audio export to mp3 it sounds like this:

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I just recorded directly from my desktop, I don’t know. Like I said before the issue is part of every dorico file that I have so it has something to do with how dorico is set up on my pc. The sound is fine on your pc, I just selected some random notes to check the audio, I didn’t actually play the score

What happens if you, say, stream music? Sound okay? (Just wondering if it’s a beyond-Dorico problem)

Other apps and headphone jack work fine

And what if you do an audio export from within Dorico?
Just do File > Export > Audio Export

And what is your capture device? Do you record from your speaker into the mic of a smartphone, or how do you do it?