Strange weekly summary email

When i receive the weekly summary on email, every topic is about Dorico which I do not even own. Maybe one topic is about the products I own.

Why is that?

I’m not sure why that would be, but you can try modifying the settings in your forum preferences under Emails and Tracking


Thx but this setting had nothing to do w the weekly summary which I receive when not visiting the forum for some time.

When i changed that setting, my inbox got flooded w One mail for EVERY new topic on the forum… :frowning:

Hi there. Yes the same thing comes in my inbox. Dorico, Dorico, Dorico. I just want the latest on the Cubase and Wavelab forums. And the same thing happened when I tweaked my settings… a flood of posts. Not useful.


@Tille2 @Franckronaldo

In that case I had a look at the activity in the Dorico forum, and observed way more traffic than previously. Maybe this is due to the Finale → Dorico promo and related stuff.

So muting the Dorico category in the Tracking tab will filter that category our of your notifications


Where do I find that tab? Hold my hand, plz… :wink:

If you go to the Dorico forum, for example, there’s a little bell icon at the top right. There you can select how to get notified:

Steve’s screenshot shows the corresponding setting in the user profile under Preferences > Tracking.

Thx, I have done this now. I will wait and see how next summary looks like.

Because the weekly summary is sent when one have not been active on the Forum for a while, that will take some time… :wink: