Stray tones in choral playback

When I am composing choral music and playback, I hear other random tones at much higher pitches than the tones on my score. I especially notice it when the parts move in unison. Has anyone else noticed this?

In the title of this post I meant to say “Stray Tones”.

Do those notes appear with any VSTi available? It could be ghost tones created by the addition of harmonics in your music, overtones that do not really exist… But it probably would be variable with different VSTinstruments.

I’ve tried other VSTi and can’t seem to find anything much better.

you need to be a bit more concrete. Which choral libraries? Could you post just a short audio demo to illustrate? Certainly some people will hear harmonics overtones with various instruments but it’s unlikely Dorico itself has anything to do with this – it’s much more likely to be integral to the library itself.

Anyway, welcome to Dorico and the forum!

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