Stream Deck macro keypad

Dear Philip,
My localisation process has been dictated by the fact that I started with an optimized for French Keyboard layout that I described quite extensively in a document (available in the French Facebook group). And by the fact that actually, some key bindings that work in the original English keyboard layout do not work with French keyboard (Qt problems IIRC). The process implies testing each and every key to make sure it does work, and if it does not, provide it with a working combination of keys — which is not so easy, because of the non-working key problem for which I have not found any documentation.
Once this is done, the user can modify the StreamDeck layout so that it fills his needs.

I did kind of the same thing.

One important tool was BeyondCompare which I used to merge the JSON files for the English and German versions of the keycommands_XX.json files (while Dorico was not running). I first made a backup copy of the German file, then renamed the English file to keycommands_de.json and made a list of all the key commands that were different between the versions. All the different commands from the German backup were then copied over the new version (otherwise, many standard key combinations would cease to work like + for staccato, ö for tuplets etc.).

Then I had to find those buttons and remap them in StreamDeck to their German counterparts.

Also, some key combinations that work in English Dorico just don’t work in German dorico (Shift-F10 or something like that just didn’t register), so I had to find alternative combinations and set them up in Dorico as well as in Stream Deck.

So, yes, you do need to check all the buttons, but with a prepared JSON file, it doesn’t take long.

For an update, I first compare the JSON files and copy over the new key bindings into my old file (after backups). I copy my old German StreamDeck file and copy the new buttons from the new English file over to their location in the German file (sometimes after making room for them first - a screenshot tool like SnagIt is very helpful to compare layouts).

Tim, Marc: Thanks for these replies and for thoroughly documenting your processes. I really appreciate the initiative you’ve taken to help make these available for users.

(As do I. Many thanks, both)

I am not used neither to Streamdeck XL/Notation express nor to handling .json files. So, how can I get a running version of Notation express xl on my Mac with Dorico? Should I buy the Windows version or the French version for Mac? Where can I find the .json files? Sorry for the unprofessional questions…

Hi, musi003
The NotationExpress XL is available for Mac. If you ask Philip for it, he should be able to provide you the French files… when I’ve done them (I’m very busy right now, and had not the time to build the updated files). Those files rely upon my personal shortcuts, as I explained earlier. I think they are better suited to our french keyboard layout and I added some interesting things (such as & and é to shorten/lengthen the grid, and the use of the numbers for accents and the same unshifted keys for durations)

@musi003: The keycommands_de.json file should be in Dorico’s profile folder. I’m not sure where exactly it can be found on Mac, but it’s probably something like “Your Username/Library/Preferences/Dorico 3”. Could you send me that file (zip it up and attach it to a PM), then I can take a look at how different it is and if it could easily be transformed.

The other question is how different the StreamDeck profile files are between Mac and Windows. Leo probably knows a lot more about that. If it’s possible to import a Windows .streamDeckProfile file into the Mac version, that might be a viable first step.

One little error to report for the english version:
The icon is messed up for filtering lyrics verse 4 and it doesn’t function.

Pietzcker, there’s no difference between the factory keycommands files on Mac and Windows. There are a lot of differences between the user keycommands files that are supplied with Notation Express, though, to work around the fact that Windows and macOS have different potentially conflicting system shortcuts, different numbers of accessible function keys etc. It’s not safe to transfer a .streamDeckProfile file from Windows to Mac or vice-versa - Stream Deck tries to be helpful by remapping keys to the new OS, but it gets it very wrong. It’s a good starting point in that the folder structures and icons will be correct, but pretty much every key (including ones that just launch popovers) will need to be retyped on the correct OS.

Romanos, I’ll get back to you on that one. I can see here that the icon is wrong but that the key ought to work, but a) I actually don’t have a Stream Deck to hand and b) I’m not 100% sure that I’ve got the latest release version of Notation Express in front of me!

Well spotted! The icon is correct on the 15-key version but not on the XL. My bad. I’m a little mystified how I messed that up. But until the next update, I’ve attached the icon.

The shortcut is mapped to F15 on Mac, and it’s possible that’s conflicting with a system-wide shortcut for brightness increase. Something else we should potentially adjust (along with filter line 3 which is F14 and also could conflict with brightness decrease).

(I’m delighted that someone is using these obscure filters…)

musi003, You should purchase the English version of Dorico XL for Mac. Then, once you purchase it, let me know and I can send you both the French/Mac and Windows/German XL profiles for you to work with and see if they help.

I do a lot of hymnody work, so these come in really handy!

Frankly, the SDXL and this profile has completely changed how I interact with Dorico. I haven’t bothered creating custom key commands or trying to memorize a whole slew of more obscure ones because now there is no need. Very simple to just poke around the SDXL and look at the awesome icons that you’ve created. (Although, while I’m on the subject, I think that Sec-on should be just “second” and I’m not sure we even need the label on the bottom since the lyric we are intending to filter is highlighted in orange.) All told, I’m absolutely thrilled with how this works and very grateful to you and everyone who helped you develop it!

That’s wonderful to hear!

Using the stream deck now for the first time while checking an orchestral score. Normally I would select the dynamics in a flow using More, then use Align Dynamics. However when using Notation express, I have to go to 2 different sections which makes this a cumbersome workflow. How do others do this?

If you look at page 10 of the Notation Express Dorico documentation.pdf, you’ll see that I’ve gone into some detail about how to customise a Stream Deck folder for your own use. The documentation is geared at XL users, but even on the regular 15-key profile there are various blank spaces (on the Tempo&SystemText, StaffText, and Filters folders) into which you could add a custom folder.

Thanks, I will have a look. So I assume that nobody is actually using it this way? Are you using a combination of key strokes (Select More) and then the Stream Deck (Align)?

I wouldn’t assume that nobody’s using it that way - I’d wait for other people to chip in :wink:
That said, if I have a 15-key Stream Deck at my disposal then I’ll likely use the shortcut for Select More (which I use frequently enough that it’s memorised), and use the Stream Deck only for Align.

I don’t have this specific issue, but I have definitely rearranged a few things. Bumped a thing or two off of the home screen that I rarely use, and added a few of my most used in their stead. You can also copy certain things from the default placement to another folder next to another button you need to use with it. In this way, I have also duplicated things around the profile so that certain actions I take together are ready to go without switching folders.

(I also have a 15 key which I’ve set up with my absolutely most used functions so I never have to dig for those.)

Maybe it makes sense to have different folders with functions that you use in different stages? I have setup a folder that only uses the functions for the final editing of a score, so adjusting dynamics and lay out the pages. This really helps in avoiding swapping to many different folders. Copy and past makes life very easy indeed!

I think, practically speaking, that you are correct. That said, I don’t think they could (or should) have distributed the profiles any other way. It makes sense to group things by category, but it also makes sense to use the few blank spaces on the home screen (if you have an XL) to create sub folders with the functions you use most and run with it. I like knowing that, even if I don’t regularly use a button, I know exactly where to go looking for it. That said, I also want my favorites handy so I don’t always have to dig. I know a few others have talked previously about creating their own sets—both personal and tweaking this profile—there’s really nothing to stop us.