String harmonics for the 5th partial need "touch 6"

This has been asked before here:

but I’d love it to be brought back to attention!

String harmonics for the 5th partial currently default to “touch” position 3. This works poorly on violin and viola, with touch 6 a much better option. (Even cello sounds better at the 6th). Could there not just be two options for partial 5? (5a … 5b? 5/3 … 5/6?)

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We do not need another thread for the same topic / feature request. This is actually worse than bumping a thread, because it means a new thread has to be dealt with.

Yes I’d like to have these harmonics fixed.
(And I make no apology for reiterating the request)

Sorry. Should I delete this topic?

Daniel and the team have said that they don’t mind seeing feature requests repeated:

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Okay, but I still think posting to a previous thread on the same topic is better. There are nearly 84,000 threads now (and Daniel has read all of them).