Dokhtare Kabuli 2.dorico (1.0 MB)
When I go to edit the string parts, there is nothing. Blackness.
Go into setup mode. Click the string layouts on the right side and tick the flow at the bottom.
Dokhtare Kabuli 2.dorico (904.3 KB)
I have a different version of that problem. Unlike OP’s file where the flow is unchecked for the string layouts in Setup Mode as demonstrated by @jesele (I can confirm that when I open that file) I encountered the problem where the screen goes black in Page View only, not in Galley View, for one specific layout.
This is only a 4 bar sketch file I started from scratch half an hour earlier, and all of a sudden Page View went black for Trumpet 1 (so to clarify: Page view did work at first for that layout). I’m stumped. In all other layouts, both views are fine. The Flow is checked in Setup mode for that layout (what would cause that to be unchecked anyway?). I also get a black screen in Engrave and Print mode, so basically every instance where Page view is supposed to be shown. Restarting Dorico or my computer does not fix the problem, neither does creating new tabs.
Untitled Project 1.dorico (681.4 KB)
I’m using Dorico 5.1.81 on Windows 10… Any ideas?
I’ve not opened your project, but check on the Page Setup page of Layout Options that you still have a page template set chosen.
Thanks! Can’t believe I missed that. I still don’t understand how that template set changed. I did not even enter Engrave mode at all before this occured. I also can’t seem to find a key command that I could have inadvertedly pressed.
Edit: I might have changed the Page Template set by accident in Layout options… that’s the only explanation I can think of, even though I wasn’t working in the Page Setup section of Layout options. Anyway, thanks for the quick replies!