At the start of each session i am having to re-set Studio set up, this is wasting time for me every day. is there a glitch or is there something I’m missing. All help gratefully received, thanks.
What kind of setting exactly, do you have to re-set?
Isn’t Cubase crashing (silently) on Quit by any chnace?
It is highly advisable to start Cubase by opening a template. Such a template usually includes many settings. Are you using a template already?
Is this happening when opening existing projects, or are you talking about every time you try to start a new project from scratch??
New Projects:
For your Audio connections, save your connections as templates as well. Both inputs and outputs allow you to do this.
Open a new song, setup your audio connections, then save those connections as templates… Now setup the project how you want it, save that whole thing as a project template, open this template every time you start a new project.
Once you have your audio connections setup, you can go back through older projects and replace the I/O settings with those presets so they match now too.
many thank for your reply and advice, I save a project with studio set up working fine, open it up the next day and no sound hence I have to reset studio set up. I will try your suggestion of making a template. again many thanks for your quick reply. i.m using CB 14 on windows 11 through an M Audio Duo and a Behringer XTouch controller. cheers Alan
Studio Setup is not part of project, it’s a global setting. Therefore the template doesn’t play a role here.
Isn’t Cubase crashing (silently) while quit? Is this is the case, the global setting doesn’t become stored.
I’m just about to throw in the towel, because at the moment not making much music, trying some other DAWS , and they all are working fine with no glitches I am really frustrated with cubase. but many thanks for your help ,much appreciated, just sorry I had to bother people on this forum.