I’m working an an SATB choral piece and am trying to get sub brackets to show up on a system where I’ve got the sopranos split into multiple staves (using a divisi split). See attached screenshot of the Layout Option I have set.
Unfortunately, it doesn’t appear to be working.
Does your project already have bracket and barline overrides in this layout? Are you definitely changing layout options for the correct layout?
Thanks for your reply!
Yes, there is a bracket override. I have a soloist and unfortunately, Dorico brackets her with the rest of the choir by default. I tried adding the soloist to it’s own instrument group, and that fixes the problem, but it ads some sort of instrument group label to the left of the instrument names. I couldn’t figure out a way to hide it, so doing a bracket override was the only way I could figure out to get it to look the way I wanted.
Never mind. I found the option to hide player group labels. This issue is resolved. Thanks again for your help!
You can also designate players as soloists, which splits them off from other brackets.
Remember that bracket and barline overrides are set explicitly at the time you set them: if you later change the number of staves etc, the override remains with its fixed proportions and will likely need updating.
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