Subordinate bar numbers not hiding with multimeasure rests bar range

I’m sure this has to be a bug or an oversight. If you have the setting in Engraving Options set to hide normal bar numbers when displaying a multimeasure rest bar number range, it works as advertised for regular bar numbers, but when you have bar numbers with subordinates it does not hide them. You can see in this picture that the 12 and the 17 are not showing in the bottom left corner (correctly), but the 15A and the 15C are showing in the bottom left corner. They definitely shouldn’t be. I don’t think I’m missing anything here. Or am I?

I’m not sure it’s an oversight, because subordinate bar numbers show on every bar regardless of the frequency setting of regular bar numbers.

I note that they can still be hidden manually.

Like @Mark_Johnson said, you can hide them. I had the same issue and I just hid it in the properties window.

Hmmm… I can see why they’d be shown on every bar regardless of the normal frequency of showing bar numbers; that makes sense. But, I think that’s sort of unrelated to this. Hiding the bar numbers when bar number ranges are showing is its own setting, and really should apply to bar numbers with subordinates. The measure number range already shows the full range of the subordinate bar numbers, so there would be no reason to also show the actual bar number again. And yes… I know I can hide them - it just seems like that global setting to hide them when there are bar number ranges being shown should apply to these… in my opinion.