Sudden crash with Loops and Samples

Hey guys,

Thanks for the feedbacks.
Well, actually for now I have no graphic card installed. I removed it because I had issues with HD, it was better working with the processor GPU than with the graphical card…
Since yesterday I was thinking too that it could be related with graphic card so I am looking for new one. But I have no card for years now and I never had this issue before Cubase 10.5?

A workaround that has been put forward is to disable the graphics driver in the device manager so it defaults to the windows default graphics driver. This did not work for me however as my VSTs did not display correctly. Black windows and missing waveform displays etc. It is also suggested that the gpu driver’s are the faulty element but i dont believe a word of it because it is only Cubase that crashes this way.

Yes, I understand. I guess that it is not 100% guarantee that a graphic card will fix it but it could. The thing is, I had not this issue with former Cubase versions and I just realize it crashes a few days ago, so what now…
As I guess there is no issue for now unless maybe the graphic card as you and Martin have pointed out with this Ucrtbase.dll crash.
I’ll try to get a new card and I’ll let you know guys if it has fixed it. Thanks for the support!

Hi Guys,

I am back with an update about the sudden crash when I click on “Loops and Samples”. I have now installed a graphical card (MSI Radeon RX 560) and… I still have the same issue…
Is it an issue related with my computer configuration or do you guys have the same??

Hi Martin,

See my update above

Hi Jack,

See my update above

I have had to give up using Cubase for the time being as every session crashes out no matter what. I thought I had found a solution by selecting Cubase as an exception in Windows graphics settings, I was running it in HiDPI mode at 125% scaling as Steinberg recommend. I had a couple of days crash free but then it blinked out again and I just gave up and decided to go back to using Reason. I’m very frustrated with the situation and the fact Steinberg will not address it.


I don’t have the same here. It doesn’t crash to me here. So it must be system related somehow. Could you upload a new *.dmp file, to check, if the crash is still the same, please?

Hi Martin,

Sorry for the delay, it tooks me some time to remember how to use procdump :wink:
Here is the link of the .dmp file: Dropbox - Cubase10.5.exe_200629_172801.dmp - Simplify your life

Thank you very much


The crash is in video engine. Reported to Steinberg CAN-30187.

Ok, so I guess that it must happen to someone else and for the same reason right?
Knowing that, would you recommend to make a ticket??



I have already reported this to Steinberg.

Ok got it.
Thanks Martin for your help :wink:


I just got this crash on my desk and I see it related to reading a video file. It seems to happen while the MediaBay/Rack is active, but due to the nature of the fault I can’t see the path of the file being read. To find it you can activate a hidden debugging option by creating an empty folder “safeScan” in the preferences, then reproduce the crash. When you restart Cubase you will be notified about the file that was read when Cubase crashed… Please let us know what happened.

Cheers, Jörg

Hi Jörg, Martin,

Thank you for your feedback.
What do you mean by “creating an empty folder “safeScan” in the preferences” ? Is it in Cubase Preferences? if so how can I do that exactly or is it related with Procdump? Thanks


Yes, it’s the Cubase preferences folder (%appData% Steinberg/Cubase 10.5_64 folder in Windows). Just create a new (empty) folder in this one and name it safeScan. That’s it.



I have created a folder named safeScan in this path:
C:\Users\JUN\AppData\Roaming\Steinberg\Cubase 10.5_64

I have reproduced the crash but the safeScan folder remains empty?

Hi guys,
Ok I have figured it out.
After reproducing the crash and restarting Cubase, I got a window with the following message: “There was a problem accessing the following file:” (see attachment)
It was pointing out a specific video file on my hard drive, I removed it from its location, reproduced the crash and restart Cubase but I have the same with another video file on the same drive.

Let me know,
Thanks :wink:

Hi Jörg and Martin,

See my update above.
Can we exclude specific drive path to be scanned to avoid the crash?


Hi guys,

I hit F5, then I removed from the database the drive where the video files that made Cubase crashes was and now I can finally try the “Loop and Samples” library !!!

Thanks guys for your help so far.