This problem is beginning to occur on a frighteningly semi-regular basis. I will be working on a project when suddenly, “playback” no longer produces any sound. When I click on a note, there is no sound. I check “Audio Device Setup…” etc., and find everything is correct. Or, I reset it just to be sure. “Show Mixer” doesn’t show anything new has happened. When I open some other file – other then the one I’m working on, which has suddenly gone silent (for no apparent reason) – THEY all work fine.
The troubling thing is, I can’t afford to lose the project I’m on, but nothing works. So, I have had to – in every one of these cases – create a new file from scratch, enter all the information: title, composer, copyright [whatever], create all the players/instruments/singers again, from scratch, then I am able to copy and paste from my now-silent project, carefully, into this new file and – WHEW – I have sound again and can complete the project.
I don’t have any idea whether Dorico suddenly decides to quit working – the sound – or if there is some extremely-easy-to-do quick keyboard command that my elbow or pinky finger has swished over, WHILE entering notes or editing in Engrave mode, that can suddenly change which channel everything is being directed to, or whatever it is, but this has now happened to me about six times and I am getting nervous that it could suddenly happen ANY time.
Has anybody else stumbled onto this problem and is there an easy solution?
Please check the solo or mute state of every channel in the mixer window or in the lower pane of the Play Mode. Also make sure that it shows also unused channel, because if such unused channel is soloed you will hear nothing from the used channels.
If all this does not help, please load that specific project and then from the menu do Help > Create diagnositic report and post the corresponding zip file here. Thanks
Wow – that’s not it, BUT, thanks for that! I just poked around with that button and learned a lot. I didn’t know that could disable all sound, everywhere, but that sure could happen and I wouldn’t have known what to do. You may have saved a future project from another panic attack.
I am – always (unless I want to play what I’m doing for someone) using headphones. However, I generally quickly test YouTube or something and that 's not it. Also, I try other Dorico projects to see if it has affected them and it hasn’t. But thanks for that.
WHEW!!! Thank you, Ulf!!! THAT WAS IT. Although I kept checking the mixer window, I failed to closely check all the Mute buttons. That has been the problem all the time – THANK YOU, SO MUCH!!!
I guess, as a followup, can you guess what it is I am able to do without going anywhere near the mixer window that suddenly causes me to mute everything without knowing what it is I’ve done? Some easy shortcut that mutes everything?
(Ha! Reminds me of that famous quirk in STAR WARS where the creators of the Death Star created a button where you can press it & destroy the entire Death Star and everyone in it. To quote Hans Solo: “Great shot, kid! That was one in a million!!!”)
Ha! That is most certainly it … my MacBook Pro “down arrow” doesn’t always work, so when I’m using Dorico, I engage a different keyboard and the “Alt” key is in a different place. So, I may be thinking I am hitting “SAVE” when I’m muting everything!!! Thanks, Ulf!!!
Thanks!!! I hadn’t thought of that – didn’t realize it was possible
– (to remove a key command that’s already there and change it). I
believe I’ll do that. I don’t mind having to take a few more steps in
order to mute everything. You’ve saved me a lot of nightmare evenings
– thanks again!