Suggested: Easier Fingering Input with Multiple Voices

I fully appreciate the way Dorico handles fingerings for multiple voices (I’m talking piano).

I would love a fingering input mechanism that followed all of the voices instead of just one voice at a time. When working out fingering, I currently have to input the fingering for one voice, and then switch to the other voice with a mouse or several key strokes before I can input those fingerings.

Since Dorico is smart enough to follow a voice and know which notes need to have fingerings (e.g., in chords that are partially tied to one another), I could see this being extended to an option following every voice horizontally.

Along those same lines, this documentation page is misleading to me:

The last line says that the fingerings are entered into the selected notes. If you select notes from multiple voices, in my experience, only the top voice gets fingerings assigned to it. Other fingerings intended for the second voice are discarded.