Suggestion for Dorico - Logical Editor

As a long-time Cubase user, and now Dorico since V3, I really feel that a Logical Editor in Dorico would be useful. For example I could go in more depth than the filter function by saying “Put staccato on all notes above C2 that have an mf marking” or “change all dynamics on a certain track to a higher dynamic marking, if another chosen track is not playing”. Does that make sense? These are just examples … but on several occasions I could have saved a lot of time, and even some of the requests coming form “Finale Refugees” could possibly resolved with presets for an editor like this


Would be very useful, yes! :smiling_face:

So you are asking for more extensive selection filter features.
(I’m sure we’d all like that)

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I hate verbally communicating with a computer or with any assistance system, but in this case I would make an exception. The time one needs to type your logical commands can be used for other things. Yes, for complex filtering, selecting, deselecting, conditioning it would make sense to have a small speech recognition module.

Yes. I wasn’t suggesting verbal communication, but “extended filtering” that would resolve those kind of examples. The logical editor in Cubase is not just extended filtering though, you can set up whole sequences of filtering and consequent actions , which in turn can be saved as presets, which in turn can be used with key commands.

That’s a good idea (I have no experience with Cubase), and because Dorico is structured so well, I am sure your suggestion will fall into open ears.

Or even better, a scripting API that exposes the entire flow object tree. One can dream… :slight_smile:

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Yes it’s a dream , with programmable functions like in Cubase it can really speed things up.


Yes, the Logical Editor is one of the most powerful features in Cubase. I made a whole series of presets for MIDI editing which are then triggered my Metagrid from iPad.
It is very good for speeding up workflow once you know what kinds of repetitive editing you are doing. You can chain the commands into macros as well.