Suggestion regarding the Learn links, in the Dorico hub

The Learn section on the Dorico hub has some really wonderful tutorials. I can’t imagine ever tiring of Anthony Hughes mellifluous voice and delivery, and all your presenters are truly excellent.

I’m writing to suggest some ways the Videos listing might be enhanced. Hope these are helpful. Thank you for all the great tutorials that have helped me gain so much more from Dorico.

  • Might there be a way to filter the videos listed? For instance, I’ve never used Finale, so I have no need for those tutorials. Similarly it would help to have an option to filter out videos for languages that I do not speak. (Though there’s probably a lot of good information in the live streams or videos that are in German, that information is hard to easily glean, for non-German speaker, without English subtitles.
  • Perhaps there might be a way to mark tutorial videos as ‘watched’.
  • It would be handy if there was a way to ‘favorite’ a video.
  • It would be handy if the Videos list were cumulative, especially if there was an mechanism for indicating ‘watched’ or ‘favorite’.
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Thanks for the feedback. Really our goal with the Learn tab is to surface new material on the YouTube channel and on the blog, so it’s not especially sophisticated in terms of keeping track of which items you have interacted with. We assume that you’ll have a YouTube account and can keep track of which videos you have watched, and which ones are your favourites, etc., via your YouTube watch history.

Thanks Daniel. That’s a good suggestion. I’ll keep an eye on the Dorico Youtube channel