Suggestions for C7

i’m using cubase since 1st version (now C6) and tried out reaper cause of more and more posts in the web.
My conclusion is that even that there are some very good topics in reaper - cubase is a lot more
comfortable and a lot more professional. But … why not/copy use these good features in c7 ?
Things i liked very much in reaper where:

  • possibility of locking windows - espacially the mixer - is perfect in reaper
  • the mixer shows insert and sends - very good
  • easy way of hiding tracks in piano roll and mixer
  • easy and very good integration of icons in piano roll and mixer
  • trial of managing vsti’s and vst-effects - we need something like that - but not in that way
  • time to open the application is short
  • free definition and sharing layouts

What do you think ?

You´re in the Cubase 6 Forum. And I think everyone should open his own thread about the same topic. Helps to keep things convoluted…