Suonare la seconda volta in una ripetizione- Play only second time in a repetition

Come impostare uno strumento in partitura che suona la seconda volta in una ripetizione

Hi ! There are options now to suppress playback for the first or the second time, in the properties… Have you explored them?

Io volevo sapere quali sono i passaggi da eseguire

Hi @antoninoalbanese, here the needed steps (following the suggestion by @MarcLarcher). Please write in English, as this is an English forum.

Ciao @antoninoalbanese, ecco i passaggi necessari (secondo il suggerimento di @MarcLarcher). Per favore scrivi in in inglese, poiché questo é un forum in inglese.

  • select the bars of the first instrument, right click and Filter (select only) > Notes and Chords
  • set the Suppress playback to On Passes and Suppress on passes 2
  • select the bars of the second instrument, right click and Filter (select only) > Notes and Chords
  • set the Suppress playback to On Passes and Suppress on passes 1
  • add staff-attached text to indicate what should happen


suppress playback on passes.dorico (618.9 KB)

Here the Manual:


@Christian_R outstanding :ok_hand:

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Please consider writing in English (this is an English forum).

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