I’m trying to give a swing 8ths direction in Dorico, but it keeps changing the tempo to q = 120. When I manually re-enter the tempo (which I shouldn’t have to do because the tempo isn’t changing), then it posts the tempo mark.
Is there a way to do this where Dorico will understand that the tempo is not changing? You have to specify that there are swing eighths for a real player to play it that way, and the tempo mark default does not put the text in the score or the parts.
Hi @joeydcritt, to put the swing feel to the Playback, you use the same tempo popover, start writing swing and then choose among the suggestions appearing below the popover. This will create a signpost (that will not be printed). To assign a word to that particular rhythmic position, you need to add another Tempo, for which you can Customise the text, and of course also the BPM, and this tempo will appear on the score as Text and will be printed in score and parts.
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Right, but when I type “swing 8ths” it sets the tempo to q=72, when the tempo in the score prior to that is q=132. When I add the l’istesso tempo indicator, it sets it to q=120. Is there a way to edit the tempo without posting q=132 because I don’t need the tempo marking indicated?
Here a video:
if you write out a tempo that dorico doesn’t recognise, it will set the tempo as default 72 bpm. Choose instead the swing feel choices that appear below the signpost.
When you input your tempo (swing 8th), it’s not something Dorico knows. So it gives it the default tempo for those strings of words it doesn’t know.
Just do what was suggested by @Christian_R, shift-T, swing — now see what Dorico is offering in that little list that appears, pick one, and you should notice that the tempo won’t change and the score will swing.
[Edit ] Ninja’d by @Christian_R !
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