Anyone know why my Paragraph Style for System Text isn’t working?
I have the Paragraph Style for System Text set to Bold, but when I use Shift-Alt-X I don’t get Bold text.
if I use Write > Create System Text > System Text
it’s bold, but that option isn’t there in the Key Commands window.
Shouldn’t changing the System Text Paragraph Style work here?
When you create system-attached text, it automatically uses the Default text paragraph style.
To use your own custom System Text style, you can create a custom key command that simultaneously adds text and selects your paragraph style - but you must first save your paragraph style as default (click the star).
Oh interesting!
What does the System Text Paragraph Style apply to?
Also, did this change at some point? A few years ago I swear I was able to change the System Text paragraph style and have it reflected in new system text I created.
“System Text” isn’t, as far as I’m aware, a paragraph style supplied by Dorico. Therefore it’s probably one that you created yourself.
You may have also at some changed the default key command for creating system text, such that Shift-Alt-X inserted a system-attached text item, with your own custom System Text style pre-selected.
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