Hello! I imported a tuba part into a Dorico document from XML (I know, inherently unreliable) and I set the engraving rule for Rehearsal marks to be bar numbers as multi bar rests don’t come in from an XML file sigh. But look at my first rehearsal mark, that should be bar 10… instead it says “2”! Also in the screen shot my System Track is set to ON. To make matters stranger, when I look at the “Tuba” page instead of the “Score” page the rehearsal mark is invisible?!? ALL signposts are set to ON.
Spelling: verkochte
HAHA @asherber !
Hi @eedubya,
Rehersal Marks are different than Multi-bar rests. You can activate/deactivate Multi bar rests for any layout independently.
Rehersal Marks have three possible Sequence types: Letters, Numbers, Bar Numbers. Check if you didn’t set it erroneously to Numbers in Engraving Options , instead of Bar Numbers, or if you have a Sequence Type override in the Properties Panel (selecting a Rehearsal Mark first)
If you upload your project, someone can take a look at what may be going wrong.
@Christian_R thanks, and yes I did check al those things. This part is from a full concert band chart that has been out of print for many decades. The concert band I perform this with has parts but they are all so old they’re not really good to take outdoors for a concert, so I’m entering everything into Dorico so we can have parts that will be good for performance. The bit about multi bar rests is 1) multi bar rests don’t import from an XML file and I have to enter the missing bars in each part (like this Tuba part) before copying it into the master Dorico doc. and 2) the original piece uses bar numbers as rehearsal marks.
What I do for this process is first open a PDF into Photoscore where I fix most of the information first, then I open an XML export in Dorico and fill in the missing measures using the bar numbers as a double-check before copying it into the master document, anyway I did Trombone 3 and all the woodwinds and high brass with no problem… until the Tuba.
The weird thing to me is that with the System Track on you can see that there are no bar numbers, ever after I tried to set a bar number change starting on the first bar… it still never populated… odd
Here’s the Tuba part.
Rose Variations - Tuba.dorico (889.2 KB)
The cure is… Add another Tuba in setup. Duplicate the notes to it (select all and paste special>duplicate to staff below). Delete the original Tuba.
Hi @eedubya, something is off with some of your time signatures (XML import mystery).
To correct this:
- select the first time signature, press Shift+Alt(Option)+A (Select More) three times to select all TS.
- Press delete.
- The 2/4 time signature at bar 297 and 331 the 3/4 TS at bar 340 will be deleted (they were probably causing the issue).
- You can then recreate this deleted TS.
Here the corrected file (using those steps):
Rose Variations - Tuba-corrected.dorico (780.3 KB)
EDIT: @Janus,s method also works, but you still need to add the missing TS as in my third point (bar 297, 331 and 340).
This has probably due to the fact that in the original Tuba you had some local Time Signatures that are not present in the copy of the Tuba? (Just guessing):
here a fast method to make the local TS global (after copying the notes to a new tuba): just select them, click Enter twice:
Wow @Christian_R thanks! Also @Janus I did try the copy and paste but for some reason all the issues were copied as well. Thanks everybody!!
And thanks @asherber for schooling me on verkochte!