Hopefully a quick question this time. I’ve imported some MusicXML files with chord symbols, and now I’m seeing both the “in text” chord symbols (which I want) and some kind of green highlighted/floating chord symbols (which I don’t want). Please see attached screenshot.
I’m new to Dorico and generally enjoying the chord symbol entry process, but these extra symbols remain a mystery. I assume they have something to do with playback?
Any help would be appreciated, as always. Thank you.
They are signposts, if you don’t want to see them, hide them under view->signposts.
They show things that are hidden. I think maybe you have both chord symbols and some text as chord symbols. Maybe delete all the text and show the chord symbols instead.
Thanks so much! The “signpost” element was the missing piece for me, I didn’t know about that function at all. Thanks for taking the time, I appreciate it.