I would also love to have a feature like this within Dorico.
I’d also like to hear what’s your usual workflow for humanizing tempo. I’ve been tempo-mapping piano performances of my stuff out of late, sometimes importing the tempo map back into Dorico, any other ideas?
My DAW (Reaper), can’t really handle live tap tempo while playing the music. I wonder if there’s some software that can actually do it. Bypassing the piano performance and tedious tempo mapping would be ideal.
If I remember correctly, Finale was created because Tap Tempo was needed. They had to transcribe some old piano rolls, and tapping tempo was the only way to keep the rolls and software perfectly in sync.
I regularly spend 15-20 mins on getting a proper tempo track from a 4-5 mins. audio track into Cubase (its output is rarely perfect, especially in rhythmically complex music or music recorded without a click track) + exporting it to a tempo map and importing it into a notation software. Tapping that same recording into Finale still takes me the duration of the piece (4 times faster). A track to tap on during a whole recording would be great! Play mode looks like the place for it?