Template and Library questions

And to verify what Ben said (not that we need to! but for the sake of posterity and others finding this thread) indeed, using the header menu and pressing alt forces the library to appear:
hidden library

This is exactly what I explained (and you seemed to get) 25 days ago here.

I know. And I forgot. (sorry) :grimacing: It’s pretty rare I have to delve this deep in the file system to find a one-off odd file, so it didn’t stick. I’ve bookmarked the post for next time, however.

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I was just experimenting saving a template from a chamber orchestra piece. I found that:

a) Only the brass section was in the resultant template
b) The original score had no key signature, but the template opened in C major

Alas, you’d be wealthy if I gave you a small coin every time somebody generously explained something to me, or I discovered it myself, only to have it disappear seemingly overnight.

There’s good news, and bad news. The good news is you are still young (if your avatar is any indication). The bad news. we all get older, and I can testify from experience that over time many minds go from a steel trap to a steel colander with holes that increase in size every year.

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Maybe it will also help to understand the purpose of these different Library directories:

  • / represents the top level of your HD, and ~ represents your Home folder in /Users/
  • /System/Library/ is for the System’s use (can’t modify without permission)
  • /Library/ applies to all user accounts (this one is visible by default)
    (Though you may have only one account on your Mac, it is a multi-user system. If you install software “for all users” the settings and support files for it go in here.)
  • ~/Library/ contains stuff for your account only, inaccessible to any other users
    (and, since OS X 10.7, hidden by default for safety, as you’ve seen)

This discrete directory structure is one of the reasons we can freely update the OS or applications without them affecting each other – unlike in Windows, where a System update might cause you to have to redo authorizations (as we have recently read here).

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Now updated – try your link again :slight_smile:

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