Good afternoon,
i’m trying to learn Cubase 12 Pro. I use a soundcraft UI24R as audio card, so everytime i create a new project i have to create about 20 mono tracks and, manually, set each of them to INPUT 1, INPUT 2…and so on.
Everytime i record i create a different project with different audio folder, so i think i cannot create a single file on cubase and then save it again every day, because the audio folder will remain always the same!
So i d like to create a fast way to associate 20 inputs to 20 audio-card-input with few clicks and not every day have to manually set input for each track (instrument).
is there a way to do it?
Thank you so much and sorry for silly questions
Create everything you want a project to have in it and save as template. Also in connections setup all you want and save
You realise if you select all 20 tracks and hold shift while selecting input 1 for track 1 it will automatically increment every other input to the other tracks.
Regarding templates, you can also make that work by setting the template but immediately doing a save as after opening with your preferred folder.
Audio record will default to an audio folder inside of the project save folder.