Templates tokens

Dorico Pro has a few very useful templates; they allow you not to start from scratch, and modifying them on just a few points saves a lot of time.
I have one regret: the « tokens » (wildcards) included in these templates only offer on the first page the Title, (and Flow Title), Composer, Lyricist and Copyright.
In future versions of Dorico, I’d like to see these fields expanded a little: Title, subtitle, composer, arranger, lyricist, copyright. That would be faster to enter these points in the Infos dialog box ; and, if one of them is empty, it doesn’t appear…
It’s true that you can easily modify the first page in Engraver mode, but this creates an exception that… makes me itch behind the ears.

Or modify the first page template.

You could also create a new project from a factory template, make the change you want to the first page template, and then save the project as a new template. Then when you create new projects from your template, it looks the way you want it.

Yes Aaron, we can, we can, we can.
But I’d like the templates to be more complete in the wildcards included than they are at the moment. It seems to me that those I am proposing represent the vital minimum for all scores.

Otherwise, of course, I can redo all the templates to my liking, but I’m going to spend a few hours on it…

What each user considers to be “complete” starts to vary quite wildly beyond the basic page templates that Dorico provides, and even then, a concert orchestral score often looks quite different to a film recording session full score, for example.

I strongly suspect that this is a “6 of one, half-a-dozen of the other” type of problem: if we amended the supplied page templates to include more tokens, alongside size-adjusted frames to accommodate them, a similar amount of users would then feel the need to amend the new templates, as currently need to add to our existing ones.


(FWIW, I have never needed an arranger or lyricist token, and almost never a subtitle.)

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Yes, of course. You are right. I hadn’t thought about the impact this would have on page frames.

Ah. None Subtitle ? I use subtitle generally to indicate the name of the mouvement. For example : Title : Symphonie in A (Saint-Saens), subtitle : Scherzo. May be is it another way in Dorico, more accurate.
Using flow title instead ?

Yes, quite possibly :slight_smile:

There is Scoring Express, available at Notation Central, if you have some extra money and don’t want to spend time building those templates :wink:

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En effet Marc, merci du renseignement. Mais… ces templates sont hors de prix !
De plus, sans acheter le Bundle (car je n’aurai aucun usage des templates Jazz) où se trouvent les templates orchestre que j’utilise le plus ? Je n’ai vu que des modèles de musique de chambre.

T : Yes, Marc, thank you for the information. But… these templates are expensive!
What’s more, without buying the Bundle (because I won’t be using the Jazz templates), where are the orchestra templates I use the most? I’ve only seen chamber music templates.

In der Tat Marc, danke für die Auskunft. Aber… diese Templates sind überteuert!
Außerdem, ohne das Bundle zu kaufen (weil ich die Jazz-Templates nicht verwenden werde), wo sind die Orchester-Templates, die ich am häufigsten verwende? Ich habe nur Templates für Kammermusik gesehen.