Tempo text above two or three instrument families, rehearsal marks only above top staff: How do I achieve this, i.e. how can I define different numbers of system objects incidences of different systems objects?
If I recall correctly, this is not possible at the moment.
I’m sure you could fake it using staff-attached text etc.
Thanks for the answer. Using staff text could be cumbersome with a 500+ pages opera score.
As a workaround I tried to set the second incidence of the rehearsal mark to colour white in order to “hide” it. This works indeed for some rehearsal marks, but not for all. In some cases only the second incidence becomes white, in other cases all, i.e. the rm disappears completely. I can’t tell why they behave in a different manner.
You can select the rehearsal marks you don’t want to see, switch to Local, and blast them off the page.
This wouldn’t work for me, since I want keep the RM, but only the top one.
Further testing: Again this works for some RM, but not for all. Some disappear completely. Until the moment I can’t figure out the different behaviour.
That’s exactly what I did and I only kept the top one in my image. I’m not in front of my computer, but I’m pretty sure in Engrave I switched to Local, Ctrl-clicked the individual rehearsal letters I didn’t want, and set a value that placed them off the page.