I promise: the last time (for today…)
(how) can I realise a tempo equation like this:
in Dorico 5?
The first line can be input with the tempo popover (Shift-T) as “feierlich e=92”.
The second line can be produced as text (Shift-X) with the Metrico font for the notes like “ruhige Achtel ss=3es” where the text “ruhige Achtel” must be another font then Metrico (i.e. Academico)
@derhannes ,Can you explain this a bit more detailed please. Is Metrico font able to produce two quavers beamed together? Or triplet ratio as well? And if so, how exactly? Sorry for asking, I need sometimes this for indicating swing tempo marks…
Thanks for the description!
It looks like I won’t be able to avoid dealing with how to get the Metrico font installed (it’s not on my system…).
You can download the font here:
Hi Hannes,
thank you… .
…it looks like I can’t avoid getting to grips with the technology and procedures for using GitHub…
(I hate to tell you: I still haven’t …got GitHub… understood…)
…but I still have about 20 years to go, I’m only 65…
…or 30…
…was quite simple…
in Germany we have a nice old advertising slogan for toothpaste: ‘he didn’t drill at all’ (the dentist…)
…I’m not that old… in the head…
I’ll simplify it: Here’s a link to directly download the .otf file
tooo late
But Thanks
Anyway, now I have the result. Even with 8th and 16th triplets (because I put a space between e and s…):
I love this forum!
Thanks @asherber . I downloaded it in 10 secs. Can you tell me how to move further on to create a pair of quavers beamed together?
The instructions for use are at the link that @derhannes posted above. Looks like it’s just ee
What!!! I’ve tried it in Microsoft Word and gave a totally different picture! Tried now in Dorico as Shift+x, and it is perfect! Sorry for being so slow. And many many thanks for your kind and very efficient help!!!
You mention Word, depending on what you are doing you might find this font, MusGlyphs useful also. You will find references to it in various threads if you do a search.