If I hit Shift-T and enter q-90, for example, Dorico will correctly indicate the tempo as 1/4 note = 90.
If I am in 12/8, how do I indicate an 1/8 note for the tempo makr?
Thank you?
If I hit Shift-T and enter q-90, for example, Dorico will correctly indicate the tempo as 1/4 note = 90.
If I am in 12/8, how do I indicate an 1/8 note for the tempo makr?
Thank you?
q is for quarter; e is for eighth, and h is for half.
Also, once you’ve entered a tempo you can alter its basis in Properties without having to remember the abbreviations.
Thank you. I had tried e before posting and it didn’t work but I obviously made a mistake because it works perfectly now.
So how does one enter this?
The popover accepts q.=80