Tempo not resetting w/a tempo marking

Tempo_A New Day.dorico (673.2 KB)
Sometimes this is like Star Trek in search a new frontier. I uploaded this excerpt to find out what is going on with tempo in playback. At bar six I expect the tempo, after the rit. and poco accel., to return to 72 bpm as shown in bar 1. I’ve been jumping through hoops to get the tempo right.

Your a tempo is placed on beat 1 of bar 6. The poco accel… doesn’t finish until the D natural of that bar.

Delete the a tempo and you will see that the dotted extender line ends on the D of bar 6:

So… select the tempo marking as I did in the screenshot and press Shift+Alt/Opt+left arrow and shorten it to the quaver rest. Then, input the a tempo again.


Not sure how I missed that! I do have a question about where the accel. ends because I would like to extend the duration of the fermata, which leads me to think that the dotted line should end on the D holding the fermata. Am I on the right track?

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If you want to increase the length of the fermata, you should indeed stop the accel line at the D and use a hidden tempo setting to slow the tempo for the fermata at that point.

Two caveats:

  1. For clarity, you may want to remove the dotted line from accel via the properties menu.
  2. You may also find that, with the intervening tempo change to prolong the fermata, the a tempo changes its behavior. If that occurs, one can always set the MM marking to the desired original tempo, hide the MM setting, and add the “a tempo” text manually–again in the properties panel.
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Thanks. I’ll try this out. What I have done in the past is go to the properties panel to adjust fermata duration and the following gap to the next note.

That may be the latest best way to do handle a fermata.

My habitual workflow predated some of the recent added capabilities.

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I’d say "of course you’re on the right track “. My first impression was"what’s that accel. that crosses a fermata to end on a a Tempo?” It makes no sense musically (to me). Acceleration and holding at the same time is an oxymoron, how could one know which one wins? :person_shrugging: my 2c.

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