Tempo of exported audio different to other tempo references

I presumed that tempo was absolute, but in the screen shot attached it shows three sources of metronome that all have a different rate for 86 BPM, and diverge after as little as 8 bars!

The screen shot is from Reaper, 8 bars into my project. The top track is a clave instrument sounding the beat exported from Dorico (as a WAV file at 24 bits), the second track a drum machine I recorded at the same tempo, and the overlying grid is Reaper’s idea of 86 BPM. Three different tempi!!!

I am trying to record live instruments with a Dorico “backing track” and this has thrown a very odd spanner in the works! Any advice much appreciated!

It looks like the tempo is the same in each case, but the drum machine is ahead of the beat, and the claves in Dorico are behind the beat. I wonder whether perhaps the clave takes a moment to “speak” when the sound is triggered? You might try dialling it in by setting a negative delay in the expression map you’re using for this instrument.

Hi Daniel,
Thanks but no – there is not an issue with the onset of the click sound.
All these tracks start at beat 1 bar 1 correctly and then diverge.
Here is another curiosity:
In this screen shot, I export the drum set (GASE) track and a click track (played on claves) out of Dorico together and then a separate Dorico project I make another click track at the same tempo using agogos.
Placed in Reaper above each other, one can see the Agogos align with Reaper’s grid, but the other export does not, though they do coincide with each other!

Do you perhaps have a pre-roll set in Library > Playback Options in one project but not in the other?

Are you possibly experiencing some kind of sample rate mismatch problem? It might be a good idea to go to Edit > Device Setup, choose another sample rate, then re-choose your original sample rate, and then try again.

Hi Daniel,
I suspected a sample rate mismatch would cause such a rate change for the tempo.
I did as you suggested: No pre-roll is set. And I changed and reverted the sample rate and re-exported all the tracks.

The same problem remains. In this screen shot I started from bar 1 so you can see that there is a progressive disconnect over the first 8 bars between Reaper (with the same sample rate) and Dorico’s audio. Reaper is running at true 86BPM. I checked with a metronome and even after 32 bars they aligned. Dorico is exporting slower…

I’m afraid I’m at a loss to explain this. I don’t believe there to be a general problem here. Dorico, after all, is using the same rock-solid audio engine as Cubase. But I don’t know enough about the internals of how it works, or indeed of how audio export works, to be able to hazard a guess as to what is going on here.