Tempo saving

When I enter a tempo on Dorico, it doesn’t stay. When I return to writing at another time, the tempo I chose is not being saved. The tempo goes back to 120 …is there a a way to save the tempo I chose ?

thanks for any hep…Barney

If one uses the pull-down in the tool bar at the top of the screen, the tempo may very well reset.
tempo slider

If one sets the tempo with a tempo expression in the music, that would be a different story so long as one saves the file when leaving.

Normally, you set Tempi with tempo marks in the score. (They can be hidden, so they don’t print/display.)

The Transport bar shows you the current tempo, and allows you to “switch off” score tempi, and follow a value for the whole piece; but that should be considered a temporary, special purpose thing.