Tempo Track > Insert Bars with locked parts

In this scenario I am using Process Bars / Insert Bars from the Tempo Track.
I’m trying to insert 4 bars starting at bar 71. The red part is locked with “Location”.

After the operation, the two green parts are moved to the right:

and I get this message:

None of the tracks are locked.
It would seem that this function is moving parts to the right, starting with the top track, left most event after the insertion point. When a locked part is encountered, the operation is automatically canceled and an incorrect message is displayed.

Same here C14 Win 10.
Possible workaround if there is just one track with locked event(s): Moving it to the bottom of the track list.

Yes, it could be a workaround. But if you’re working in a project with 100+ tracks and a handful of locked events sprinkled throughout, it’s a cumbersome task.

I wish there was a way to insert an empty space across all tracks but leave locked parts alone.

Yes, the workaround is very cumbersome indeed and far from ideal unless it’s just one track as I pointed out.

Yes. I’d like to add that I’d rather have no events shifted instead of just as many as there are before the first locked events. At least for the time being. It’s like asking for trouble.

This is how Insert Silence currently works.

Another option is to copy an empty range (like an unused range from the back end of the project) and Paste Time. But this has its own little quirk. Any events to the right of a locked event will be left untouched.

Not if the whole track is locked… geek alert :grin:

Yes, as you pointed out - this would be quite inconsistent as well, wouldn’t it?

Yes. I’m struggling to find some logic behind these three different approaches of inserting time or a blank space in a project.