Testo, Battute e Layout

Salve a tutti,

Ho da fare 3 domande:

  1. Se scrivo un testo con shift+X sulla partitura completa, come faccio a far apparire quest’ultimo su tutte le parti staccate degli strumenti ?

  2. C’è un modo per cancellare le battute vuote che sono rimaste in più senza farlo manualmente con Shift+B e decidere il - ?

  3. se voglio fare un intervento sulla parte staccata dello strumento e non voglio che quest’ultimo influisca sull’0intera partitura completa come si fa ?


(Please post in English) Translation:
I have 3 questions:

If I write a text with shift+X on the complete score, how can I make it appear on all the detached parts of the instruments?

Is there a way to delete the empty bars that are left over without doing it manually with Shift+B and deciding the -?

if I want to make an intervention on the detached part of the instrument and I don’t want it to affect the entire complete score, how do I do it?

  1. shift-X is staff text it only applies to one instrument. System text (Shift-Alt/Opt-X) will show on all parts.
  2. Shift-B trim (Be aware that if there are any objects (even hidden objects) this will not delete them)
  3. You can set local properties to local…
    (But be aware that some changes cannot be made locally)
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Ok, I apologize, I usually write in English, using Google Translator, but this time to be quicker I write in Italian.

Thanks for the reply anyway :slightly_smiling_face:

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I would call it outsourcing….

Ruggiero you can very fast and efficiently (and with decent results) use translate.google.com or deepl.com - just to mention two possibilities

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