Text created using 'Rehearsal mark' paragraph style doesn't behave like a real rehearsal mark

When I use “write>create system text>rehearsal mark”, bar numbers will not be hidden; it has to be done manually.
“Write>create rehearsal mark” works as expected.

In that case it’s still just system text, not a rehearsal mark. Notice there’s no border, and it doesn’t follow the sequence. That submenu is just a way to create system text in a particular paragraph style, the same as Shift+Alt+X and changing the style in the little editor window.

You’re just creating System Text, using the same Paragraph Style that is set for Rehearsal Marks.

These system texts are useful; verse, bridge, voc. enter, winds exit or any other non-sequential marking that makes the bar number unnecessary.

Yes, I agree, and Dorico does not really support these ‘section identifiers’ very well at the moment.

Another solution could be [Sequence type: None] in the rehearsal mark properties panel.